Channel: Keyword: blueshirts
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Palin Effigy in West Hollywood Causes Controversy

Sarah Palin is not considered to be a friend of the gay community, but the Republican vice presidential candidate seems to be looming over the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival. First, a rumor got...

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Obama Lawyers Intimidating Student Journalists Who Discovered Fraud?

From Greta Van Susteren. This is a little choppy, but the point seems to be that a student named Tiffany found out that a fraudulent voter registration was turned into an actual fraudulent vote. It...

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Ohio Obot Snaked Joe the Plumber

Finally it comes out. One of the people that OK'd looking into Joe Wurzelbacher's official records was none other than a strong Obama supporter that "just happens" to work for the state of Ohio in a...

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West Hollywood residents try to cover up neighbor's Srah Palin's...

Morrisette and his partner, Mito Aviles, both 28, defended the display. "If it's a political statement, it's that their politics is scary to us," Morrisette said of the McCain-Palin campaign. "This is...

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Two Charged With Macing GOP Workers At Virginia Headquarters (Video)

..."They came in for the purpose of starting trouble. You could tell that they planned it. I thought he might have something else, like a gun."

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Obama supporter steals vote from disabled man [Video]

Georgia state officials have begun an investigation into Primus Industries and the alleged voter fraud committed by one or more of its employees. Jack Justice attends the adult day care provided by...

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The MSM is now investigating Joe's divorce!

Anybody remember Jack Ryan? Welcome to the thuggocracy!

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Fla. Girl, 12, Called Racist For Wearing Palin T-Shirt

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. -- She's only 12 years old, but Ashleigh Jones is feeling the heat of this election year. That’s because the seventh grader at New Smyrna Beach Middle School was called a racist by...

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VIDEO: Liberal Outrage - McCain Rally in Manhattan ( McCain is a nazi )

The Pro-McCain march which took place during a street fair on Manhattan's ultra liberal Upper West Side had onlookers booing and shouting, "you have no brain" and "wake up". As the New York...

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.22 Gunshot, paint balls fired at McCain / Palin Straight Talk Express

EXCLUSIVE: .22 Gunshot, paint balls fired at McCain / Palin Straight Talk Express October 19th, 2008 (Sunday, October 19 - Filed by Mark Williams in Raton, New Mexico with the Stop Obama Tour) We...

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Politics turns uncivil on campuses (Obots intimidating conservatives)

College conservatives say the excitement of a historic presidential election — which could send the first black American to the White House — has become clouded by an atmosphere of intimidation and...

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Vandals spray paint signs in downtown Fullerton

FULLERTON – Vandals used gold spray paint to scrawl anti-Proposition 8 messages on commercial and residential buildings in the downtown and east Fullerton over the weekend, police said. The "Prop H8TE"...

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Protesters try to disrupt Palin motorcade

Several protesters tried to block the motorcade of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in Grand Junction, Colorado on Monday afternoon, but police dragged them out of the way in a...

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Same-sex marriage debate growing ugly in San Jose and beyond as campaign...

For the past three days, Michele and Bob Sundstrom and their five children have been painfully aware of the SUV parked in front of their house with a message painted on the rear windshield that says:...

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Videotape of "Yes on 8" Vandals in the Act

The recent countywide trend of disappearing campaign signs has turned some ordinary citizens into crime scene detectives. In Encinitas, one News 8 views is using his own surveillance system to catch...

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In all fairness ... (Radio Host reprimanded for being anti-Obama)

Talk radio isn't exactly known for its lack of bias, but during yesterday's Kevin Miller show on KDKA-AM (1020), the concept of fairness appeared to have won a skirmish. In a segment that could have...

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More Than 3,000 Academics Sign Pro-Ayers Petition (Mega Barf Alert)

More than 3,200 supporters -- most of them educators -- have signed a petition protesting what they say is the "demonization of Professor William Ayers," asserting that his violent actions as the...

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VIDEO: Obama Supporters Getting in Faces in Ohio

Barack Obama told his followers to “get in their faces,” and that’s exactly what they’re doing in Ohio. SOCIALISM is Alive

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Anti-McCain vandalism hits Maryland (You are in violation of “The...

A Democrat in Maryland paid the price for defying “The One”. His house and property was vandalized.

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William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire posted: October 22, 2008 William Ayers is a communist. But don't take my word for it. He said so himself: We are a guerilla organization. We...

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