Channel: Keyword: blueshirts
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ObamaManiacs Show Their Class (Vandals destroy a neighborhood over...

First I need to credit "Mrs L" at Hillary Clinton Forums for this post on the thread of the same name. Today In The Gulag Of Manassas Park ObamaManiacs Show Their Class I guess rabid supporters of...

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(FL Poll watchers) We were told yesterday that the Obama campaign has our...

Yesterday, we had mandatory poll watcher training. There was a lot of info that we went over, but at the very end, the person in charge of the GOP election day activities told us that the Obama...

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Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station

Barack Obama's campaign killed all interviews with a Florida TV station after Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, faced tough and critical questions from a reporter at the Orlando...

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Obama followers vandalize homes in Gainesville - Warning graphic bad language...

Never have I ever seen a display of disgusting vile grafitti Twenty-five residents of a Gainesville neighborhood woke up this morning to discover their homes had been spray-painted with an obscene...

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Prop 8 Fight Gets Ugly (Arrests, a scuffle and vandalism)

First there were multiple arrests for campaign sign theft, then punches were thrown at a protest in Bakersfield and now a San Diego family is reporting vandalism that they think is tied to their...

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Palin Effigy in West Hollywood Causes Controversy

Sarah Palin is not considered to be a friend of the gay community, but the Republican vice presidential candidate seems to be looming over the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival. First, a rumor got...

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Obama Lawyers Intimidating Student Journalists Who Discovered Fraud?

From Greta Van Susteren. This is a little choppy, but the point seems to be that a student named Tiffany found out that a fraudulent voter registration was turned into an actual fraudulent vote. It...

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Ohio Obot Snaked Joe the Plumber

Finally it comes out. One of the people that OK'd looking into Joe Wurzelbacher's official records was none other than a strong Obama supporter that "just happens" to work for the state of Ohio in a...

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West Hollywood residents try to cover up neighbor's Srah Palin's...

Morrisette and his partner, Mito Aviles, both 28, defended the display. "If it's a political statement, it's that their politics is scary to us," Morrisette said of the McCain-Palin campaign. "This is...

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Two Charged With Macing GOP Workers At Virginia Headquarters (Video)

..."They came in for the purpose of starting trouble. You could tell that they planned it. I thought he might have something else, like a gun."

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